Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften (peer review)
Koch, T., Viererbl, B., Beckert, J., & Keilmann, J. (2024). CSR in times of crises. Why CSR activities can be both a blessing and burden during an organizational crisis. Journal of Communication Management, 28(3), 442–458.
Keilmann, J., & Koch, T. (2024). When Environmental Claims are Empty Promises: How Greenwashing Affects Corporate Reputation and Credibility. Environmental Communication, 18(3), 266–284.
Keilmann, J. & Koch, T. (2024, September). Little white (or rather green) lies. The impact of minor forms of greenwashing on corporate reputation and credibility. 10th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Keilmann, J. & Koch, T. (2024, September). Green disguise. Greenwashing’s detrimental impact on corporate perception and the interplay of perceived motives, skepticism, and authenticity. EUPRERA Annual Congress, Bucharest, Romania.
Keilmann J. (2023, September). Verwaschene Verantwortung? Greenwashing und seine Folgen für Unternehmen. 20. Kommunikationskongress (KKongress), Berlin.
Keilmann, J., & Koch, T. (2023, May). Greenwashing. Defining and explaining a blurred concept from the recipient’s perspective. 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.